5. Training of animals and subs
There are similarities but differences as well. Some of the theoretical principles are the same. Depending on the level of submission and the training method used some of the animalistic types of training might be more or less successful.
Classical conditioning
In the famous Pavlov experiments food was offered to dogs and he measured the amount of saliva produced (drooling). After some time a bell was rang just before the food was presented. As time went bye dogs would start drooling on the sound of the bell, regardless of the fact if food was presented or not.
There was an association formed between the bell and the presentation of food. Eventually their psychological response would be equal whether the bell was rung or food was presented. In both cases it leads to the same behaviour. (Drooling)
Classical conditioning is often used by trainers to initiate automatic reactions or to form an association between a stimulus that would normally have no effect and a stimulus that has.
Such an automatic reaction (like dogs drooling) could be – in case of sub-training – the increasing or decreasing the level of adrenaline. As a sub you cannot actually control the level of adrenaline. By increasing anxiety (for instance creating fear by threatening with a knife) adrenaline levels can be increased strongly.
After a couple of trainings it will be sufficient if the trainer asks: “Do you want me to get my knife?”
At the same rime the quieting (often quieting but ordering) voice of the trainer will decrease the level of adrenaline and will calm down the sub. Tone and volume are in this case more important than the content of the message.
When working on the job was prohibited I went, a few times a day – even in winter – outside for a cosy smoke. I have quit smoking a year ago, but still think it is nice to go outside with colleagues for a smoke. The feeling of being there, outside in the cold, with the happy bunch, is still associated to the joy of smoking.
Reason or no reason
Associations between stimuli are easier achieved in sub training and more difficult in animal training. It has to do with the fact that animals cannot reason and you cannot explain the association. The only way to achieve it is by way of training and repetition.
As stated before: a training method which is developed for animals will only be appropriate for subs with a very deep level of submission. They are the ones that will benefit more and are more comfortable with such kind of animal training.
To round this off there is another distinctive difference between the training of animals or humans. Reward in sub training can be postponed. With animals reward or correction will always have to be as a direct response.